Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I read this in the morning newspaper this morning and it was all I could do to keep from throwing up!

These people running this country are the enemy, never forget it!
Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist

"Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq —— the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told
The three, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment —— called an admiral's mast —— and have requested a trial by court-martial.
Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named 'Objective Amber,' told investigators he was punched by his captors —— and he had the bloody lip to prove it.
Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers.
Matthew McCabe, a Special Operations Petty Officer Second Class (SO-2), is facing three charges: dereliction of performance of duty for willfully failing to safeguard a detainee, , and assault.
Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe, SO-2, is facing charges of dereliction of performance of duty and assult
Petty Officer Julio Huertas, SO-1, faces those same charges and an additional charge of impediment of an investigation."
BTW... look at every video available of Radical Muslims torturing and killing American's I guarantee your stomach and outrage can handle... especially if you think these Special Ops spitting in the face and breaking the lip of a Muslim killer is too much for the poor terrorist.

Danny Pearl, was tortured and killed, not waterboarded but tortured with a freakin gun to his head and then shot in cold blood ..What the hell is wrong with this administration!, I can't barely take their ankle grabbing stupidity in a time of war anymore.
If allowed to press forward on this, the entire country left and without a second thought the right should bring down this government together over the treatment of our soldiers being charged during wartime by the PC polluted fumblefu**s running these prosecutions. I know it's a tall order getting the Obama administration to assist the military in any way so since we outnumber them by far we'll likely have to end up doing it ourselves like everything else that gets done around the world at no charge yet our expense.

Haditha was the lie that started all this Jihad kid glove treatment and we Americans should be beyond outraged, and begin to make our rage known loud and clear that "we the people will not tolerate this treatment of our soldiers ANY MORE" Period and end of story...
I mean, how much of this crap must the men and women of the military and hired contractors take from the enemy (liberals and radical Muslims) like the Blackwater torched tortured and hung men on this Fallujan bridge some years back, which we know the mentally disturbed left "some silently and others not " applauded as they hate Blackwater more than the regular military...

Just like the filthy radical Muslims in this picture below did as you can see for your own eyes.... and frankly as an American I can't take any more of this pussified crud....we're smack dab in 2 wars dammit, and it's time to unleash the full power of the military and end this Muslim kow tow crap once and for all//
And why do we want to give the people that murdered thousands of Americans ...... ERIC HOLDER IS A COMPLETE IDIOT! WHY SHOULD WE GIVE THESE MORONS A FAIR TRIAL? ..... Holder should be put on trial !
Either fight this war to win it, Or BRING OUR TROOPS HOME

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